Amphi TV has been serving Tucson since 1963.
Our Service Area
TV and Electronics repair in: Tucson, Marana, Dove Mountain, Oro Vally, Saddlebrook, Green Valley, Qual Creek, Sahuarita, and Vail.
With every service call:
Amphi TV Repair Service will find out exactly what is going wrong with your TV unit and make repairs as quickly as possible. We will explain what needs to be repaired and provide an estimate of the repairs. There will be a minimal estimate fee.
Our TV repairs include , LCD, HDTV, Plasma, LED, DLP, Flat Screen and Big Screen, Tube televisions. Our electronic repairs include Vintage Equipment such as VCR’s, DVD/DVR units, and other electronic equipment.
Drop off repair
Our shop is open from Monday – Saturdays . Extended hours by appointment. We will carry your television set from your vehicle inside our store for a thorough inspection.
Pick Up and Delivery
We can have your TV set picked up from your location (home or business) for service inside our service shop. This allows for faster service when parts become available. We will make every effort to schedule an appointment that is convenient to you.
In-Home Repair
In-Home service is provided Monday thru Saturday. Extended hours by appointment. We make every effort to arrange appointment within 2 hours and that is convenient to you.
Electronics Repair
Bring in your VCR, DVD player, Home Theater and Stereo Equipment for repair. We are your local TV repair and Electronics repair center for Tucson, AZ.
» Service Areas
We service the greater Tucson area, including: Foothills, Marana, Dove Mountain, Oro Vally, Saddlebrook, Green Valley, Qual Creek, Sahuarita, Corona de Tucson, and Vail.
» Brands We Service
AKAI Dell Denon GE Harmon Kardon Hitachi HP JVC LG Magnavox Mitsubishi Panasonic Philips Pioneer |
Polaroid Quasar RCA Samsung Sanyo Sharp Sony Sylvania Teac Toshiba Vizio Westinghouse Zenith |